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What’s Good Against Electric Pokemon

Electric Type Pokemon Strength And Weakness Chart

Pokemon Type Weaknesses EXPLAINED!


Electric Type;Pokemon

The electric type is a type of Pokémon with Electric-oriented powers. They have electrokinetic capabilities, being able to control, store or even produce electricity.

Electric Pokémon have different habitats, forests, meadows, cities and power plants. Electric type Pokémon are usually fast and many of their attacks can paralyze the target. Some electric-type Pokémon also remember artificial artifacts used by humans that can be linked to electricity .

Some type Pokemon electric coaches are Lieutenant Surge, the third chief of Kanto Gym; Wattson, the third head of the Hoenn Gymnasium; Volkner, the last leader of the Sinnoh Gymnasium; The fourth director of Unova gym was elected. Clemont, the fifth ruler of the Kalos Gymnasium; and Sophocles, a trial captain of Ulaula Island, Alola.

Tips On How To Remember Pokmon Types

For anyone who has invested years of play into this series, the type system becomes second nature. While in time your memory too will retain most of, if not the full set of relationships it is worth learning the logical relationships that do exist.

The classic example taught at the beginning of every Pokémon game is that fire is super effective against grass, which is in turn super effective against water, which is in turn super effective against fire. This is easy enough to follow fire burns grass, grass thrives with water, water puts out fire but finding similar relationships in the other 18 types is will help you remember the system.

Here are some other ideas to get you started:

  • Rocks effectiveness against flying is reminiscent of the phrase kill two birds with one stone
  • Similarly, psychic is effective against fighting because brains are better than brawn but psychic is vulnerable to dark and ghost because the mind cannot cope with the unknown and supernatural
  • Ground types are immune to electric attacks because being grounded is an important principle in electric circuits but ground can be swept away be water, cracked by ice and exploited by grass.

With the addition of new types over the years, the Pokémon type system has got a little more complicated than Rock-Paper-Scissors, but once you’ve committed the above to memory , you’ll have no problem finding the right Pokémon for the right job.

Pokemon Go Type Effectiveness Multiplier

Just how effective a Pokemons move is actually depends entirely on the game itself. Type advantages in Pokemon Sword and Shield are generally more pronounced, with effective attacks being twice as strong.

One part of mastering the art of Trainer Battles is understanding how the types of your Pokémons moves affect the Pokémon youre battling. Heres a chart that shows which types are super effective vs. which Pokémon. Good luck and #GOBattle! ?

Pokémon GO

Pokemon Go has a smaller multiplier when it comes to typings. However, this does not discount how important the selection of your Pokemon is before a battle. You can gain a massive advantage if youre aware of the weaknesses and strengths of certain types.

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Pokmon Strength And Weakness Chart

The chart below will let you know which attacks to use and which to avoid based on Pokémon type.

For instance, a bug-type Pokémons bug attacks are super effective against grass-, dark-, and psychic-type Pokémon. However, bug-types take increased damage from any fire-, flying-, or rock-type moves.

Keep this chart handy whenever youre facing off against any trainers and especially during your Gym Challenges, as each of those trainers specializes in specific Pokémon.

As an example, the first major trainer you fight in Pokémon Sword and Shield is Milo, who specializes in grass-type Pokémon. Looking at the chart below, youll want to make sure that you have some Pokémon that can do bug-, fire-, flying-, ice-, or poison-type attacks in your roster. You may also want to take any ground-, rock-, or water-types out of that match sorry Sobble starters!

Knowing type match ups will be helpful in just about any battle, especially when youre trying to catch Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon.

Pokmon Go Type Chart Explained

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Since the very beginning the Pokémon series has depended on a delicate Rock-Paper-Scissors-style balance to its Pokémon battles. Type effectiveness is a key part of building an effective team in Pokémon GO or Pokémon Sword and Shield or any of the other games. Once you know the basic strengths and weaknesses of the different types, you’ll easily triumph against any Pokémon type you come across in battle.

Every Pokémon belongs to at least one Type and will be strong or weak against other types. Some are pretty obvious – it’s no surprise that Water-type Pokémon will be strong against Fire types, but new players coming to Pokémon Sword and Shield and the Galar Pokédex may have trouble committing the strengths and weaknesses of the 18 main types to memory. Therefore, we’ve produced the following Pokémon type chart to help you quickly suss out what’s what when it comes to Pokémon battles.

In this guide, well help you understand how Pokémon types relate to each other, how the mobile game calculates attack strength and key ways in which this differs from the console game series.

If you’re eager for a full list of the 400 Pokémon available in the Galar Pokédex, check out our snazzy Galar Pokédex database tool. You can also find out more about the three Pokémon Sword and Shield starters and their evolutions, hunt out Easter Eggs in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and find out how to find and evolve Galar region Pokémon from Sirfetch’d to Frosmoth, Alcremie and many more.

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Are There Any Electric Pokemon In The World

Electric. There are relatively few Electric Pokémon; in fact only four were added in the third generation. Most are based on rodents or inanimate objects. Electric Pokémon are very good defensively, being weak only to Ground moves. Eelektross is the only Pokémon to have no type disadvantages due to its ability, Levitate.

Weaknesses And Counters For Electric Types In Pokmon Go

Ground types are your best bet.

In Pokémon Go, each of the 18 different types of Pokémon have their own set of strengths and weaknesses.

How each type interacts with one another greatly dictates the outcome of battles, with the Pokémon that has the type advantage usually coming out on top.

In this article, well be focusing on Electric-type Pokémon. This type is strong against Flying and Water-type Pokémon but is weak against Ground, Grass, Electric, and Dragon-type enemies.

While these types are the best choices to reduce the damage that Electric Pokémon can deal, theres one type that excels as the best way to deal with these Pokémon.

Here are some of the best Pokémon to help you defeat Electric-type enemies in Pokémon Go.

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Pokemon Go Type Chart: Strength Weakness And Effectiveness For All Types

Pokemon Types are the core of battles in Pokemon Go just as in the rest of the series – and to succeed, you’ll need to understand Pokemon type strengths, weaknesses and effectiveness.

As hardcore Pokemon fans will already know quite well, each Pokemon has one or two types, and types determine much about how that Pokemon battles. For the Pokemon Trainer, type is important because certain types are strong against others, meaning you can deal or take additional damage, or on the other hand lessen the amount of damage received.

There’s 18 different types, and each type is either strong, weak or neutral versus other types. At the most basic level with the starter Pokemon this breaks down to Rock, Paper, Scissors – Charmander beats Bulbasaur who beats Squirtle which comes full circle by beating Fire.

That all makes sense and is nice and easy – though things get more complicated when you start introducing more obtuse Pokemon Types types like Fairy or Dragon, or when you consider Pokemon with multiple types. Then you have to consider that moves have types – so a fire-type Pokemon like Charizard can easily come stacked with Dragon and Flying-type moves, meaning its damage output on the type chart is attached to those types rather than its raw type.

Relations With Other Types

My Opinions on All of the Electric Type Pokemon
  • They have no effect against the Ground-type because in real life, the ground is a natural sink of electrons hence the term “grounded”. Also, electrical appliances don’t work when dirt gets into them.
  • They’re strong against the Flying-type because while in the air, they don’t make contact with the ground, so they can’t divert the electricity, so they’re susceptible to strong electrical currents, and lightning is most likely to strike what’s highest above the ground.
  • They’re strong against the Water-type because water is a natural electricity conductor, and if one is in the water, it gets electrocuted as well.
  • The Dragon-type resists them because, in old legends, dragons were immune to the natural forces, electricity included.
  • The Grass-type resists them because plants and trees are made of materials that don’t conduct electricity, like wood and rubber. Also, trees divert the electricity to the ground with their roots.
  • They resist the Steel-type because all kinds of metal alloys are great electrical conductors, positive magnetism attracts metal to the point of trapping it, and negative magnetism can repel metal. Something interesting about this is the Steel-type isn’t weak to them.
  • They resist themselves because adding electricity to another source of electricity increases the source.
  • There are electrical fly swatters in real life that are used to kill bugs. However, the Electric type isn’t super effective against Bug types.

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What Kind Of Pokemon Are Weak Against Electric Type Pokemon

Electric type pokemon attack are super effective against the Flying, Water type pokemon. Electric Type Weakness. Electric type pokemon attacks are not effective against the Grass, Electric, Dragon type pokemon. Electric type pokemon attack are weak against Ice, Dragon, Fairy type pokemon. They are not immune to any damage.

Pokemon Type Weaknesses And Strengths Chart Explained

Despite the table above, there is actually much more to type effectiveness than meets the eye. For example:

  • Super effective moves will deal double the damage, whereas weak moves will deal half. There are also a few moves that will deal no damage at all, such as normal-type attacks against ghost-types.
  • Dual-types also play an important role. Dual-type Pokemon, as the name suggests, have two types. If the move you are using is effective against both the opposing Pokemons typing, it will deal 4x the damage. Conversely, if the move is weak against both, then it will be just 1/4 of the overall damage.

The best example of a super-effective type attack is using a water attack against a rock and/or ground type. In this instance, Geodude would be 4x more susceptible against any water Pokemon attacks directed at it.

The opposite of this would occur when a Fairy-type move is used a mon like Heatran, which is a dual steel/fire-type. This would result in just 1/4 of the damage.

Learning all of these strengths and weaknesses will undoubtedly take time, but utilizing our guide here when in doubt will help you on your way to becoming Galars number one trainer in the region!

So, there you have it. Everything you need to know about Pokemon Sword and Shields weaknesses and strengths type chart. Want some more tips on your way to becoming the very best? Check out our lists and guides:

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Combination Weaknesses & Strengths

Sometimes when Pokémon have secondary types, the Weaknesses & Strengths of that type might negate, amplify, or add to the Weaknesses & Strengths of the Pokémons primary type. In this list, were going to cover specifically the sub-types that change the original Weaknesses & Strengths.

  • Amplifying
  • Amplifies Weakness to Ground: Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
  • Negating
  • Negates Weakness to Ground: Grass, Bug
  • Negates Resistance to Electric: Water, Flying
  • Negates Resistance to Flying: Grass, Fighting, Bug
  • Negates Resistance to Steel: Ice, Rock, Fairy
  • Pokemon Sword And Shield Type Chart

    What would you say is the best Pokémon type?

    We’ve charted all the different type matchups for Pokemon so you know what’s super-effective or weak against other types.

    Guideby Jake Green, Guides Editor

    To win battles in Pokemon Sword and Shield you’ll need to understand type matchups and how different moves can be super-effective. To help make it easy, we’ve outlisted all the relationships between types below in our type chart, allowing you to know when you have the advantage.

    On this page:

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    Water Type Pokemon Strength And Weakness Chart


    Water Type;Pokemon

    Water type is one of the eighteen types of Pokemon in the Pokemon Universe.

    There are more Pokémon of this type than any of the other two because of the large number of marine creatures on which to base the species. Most Pokémon of this type also have another type, which represents the biodiversity of marine creatures. Water is in particular, the second type of fire / water Volcanion has completed all possible pairings.

    Most water-type Pokémon look like creatures that live in the water or use water to get rid of them. Their attacks involve the use of water, otherwise attacks that can only be committed by creatures of the sea .

    Misty, the second leader of Kanto Gym; Wallace, the eighth Hoenn Gymnasium Leader, became champion and his replacement, Juan; Crasher Wake, Sinnoh’s fourth gymnasium chief; Cress, one of the three leaders at the Striaton City gym in Unova; Marlon, eighth officer of the city of Humilau at Unova; Siebold, one of the Kalos Elite Four; and Lana, trial captain from Akala Island to Alola.

    Pokmon Types & Type Chart

    We created a table chart showing all Pokémon’s types, which types they strike hard, and which types strike them. Plus, we also added resistances, because some types take less damage from others and Dr. Oak forgot to tell you. Below the chart, there’s an explanation about single and double-type Pokémon and how attacks behave in these situations.


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    Pokemon Go Battle Definitions

    Before you check out the Pokemon Go strength and weakness type chart below, make sure youre aware of the following definitions:

    • Strengths: Which type of Pokemon an attack of x type is strong against i.e. electric against water.
    • Weaknesses: Which type of Pokemon an attack of x type is weak against i.e. grass against fire.
    • Resistances:;What types will receive less damage from what i.e. dragon against fairy.
    • Vulnerabilities: What types receive more damage from what i.e. steel against ice.

    Pokemon Types Strengths & Weaknesses

    Pokemon Go Tips – Weaknesses & Counters ( Types Advantages Explained )

    D E F E N S E If a Pokemon type is listed as Immune against, it will take no damage from attacks of that type. If a Pokemon type is listed as Strong Defense Against, the Pokemon will only take half damage from attacks of that type. If a Pokemon type is listed as Weak Defense Against, the Pokemon will sustain double damage from attacks of that type.

    O F F E N S E If a Pokemon attack type is listed as Strong Attack Against, its attacks will deal double damage to the specified Pokemon type. If a Pokemon attack type is listed as Weak Attack Against, its attacks will only deal half damage to the specified Pokemon type. If a Pokemon attack type is listed as No Effect Against, its attacks will deal no damage to the specified Pokemon type.

    Bug Weakness and Immunities

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    List Of Pokemon Go Multipliers

    The multipliers for Pokemon Go are as follows:

    • Super effective against two types: 2.56x
    • Super effective attacks: 1.6x
    • Not very effective attacks: 0.625x
    • Not very effective against two types: 0.391x

    Heres a visualization chart of the type matchup for all of these:

    Another difference between Pokemon Go and other games is multiple typings affect damage even further. If a species is weak to two of an opponents types then the multiplier effect would be halved again, as seen by the 0.391 multipliers.

    The same applies to a Pokemon being effective against both species types. An example of this is an electric-type versus Gyarados as it is dual water and flying-type two types which are weak against electric.

    Taking the time to learn which Pokemon are strong and weak against other types can often give you the edge needed to swing even the toughest fights in your favor. On top of this, familiarizing yourself with Pokemon Gos types will help you in Raid Battles, while also speeding up the process of acquiring those all-important PokeCoins.

    Pokmon Go Types Strengths And Weakness

    Pokémon also has its own set of weaknesses and strengths. For example, bug-type Pokémon are weak against fire-, flying-, and rock-type moves. Bug-type moves are strong against dark-, grass-, and psychic-type moves. Fire-, flying-, and rock-type moves will do double damage against a bug-type, like Caterpie.

    Some Pokémon have two types, which means they can have a doubled weakness or have their strength and weaknesses cancel out to just take normal damage. Rayquaza, a dragon- and flying-type, takes four times the damage from ice-type moves. On the flip side, Shuckle, a rock- and bug-type, takes normal damage from fire-type moves, since rock-type is strong against fire-type.

    Strengths and weaknesses also arent necessarily just opposites of each other. Though fire-type move deal less damage to water-type Pokémon and water-type moves do doubled damage against fire-type Pokémon, this isnt the case with every type. For example, fighting-type moves are strong against normal-types, but normal-types just do regular damage against fighting-types, rather than do reduced damage.

    Knowing what Pokémons strengths and weaknesses are is an important aspect of raiding and battling. To do the most damage you can, you should make sure that your Pokémons moves are strong against what its battling.


    Memorizing all of that can get confusing, so heres a chart to help you out.

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