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HomeNewsHow To Make Your Own Pokemon

How To Make Your Own Pokemon

Creating A Realistic Physical Card

How to Make Your Own Pokemon Cards at Home!
  • 1 Pokemon cards are 2 separate cards glued together, a front and a back. Remove them, and keep the back for later.
  • 2Scan a real card to create an image file. Upload the file to an image editor, preferably one that can support layers, such as Paintshop pro, GIMP 2 or Photoshop.
  • 3 There are many image creating software that allow you to both create and edit. Some must be purchased, like Photoshop, and some are free, like GIMP.
  • There are also websites that specifically cater to creating Pokemon imagery. If you use a website, simply follow the directions given.
  • 4Obtain all of the components of a real Pokemon card and combine them using the software. Search keywords like Pokemon Card Resources or simply use a real card as your template. Recreate the Pokémon card template using the tools of the image software.
  • Recreate the border, edit your Pokémon picture, write text for HP, moveset, and any other things that are necessary to get an authentic look.
  • 5Edit your text. When creating your text it is important to choose the right fonts as they appear on official cards. Search for Pokémon fonts online but keep in mind that some sites may require you to purchase their fonts.XResearch source
  • 6Save your work! Choose a file name thats easy to remember and file type. Go to the top menu and click ‘export’ to export the card to a pdf and save it as a JPEG or PNG.
  • Keep in mind the texture of the card.
  • Glue it on with a strong glue such as rubber cement.
  • How To Make A Pokmon Card

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 47 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 254,021 times.Learn more…

    Pokémon is originally a trading card game made for entertainment purposes. Pokémon cards are fun collectable cards that you can buy or trade with your friends. Making Pokémon cards is illegal if the purpose is to sell them for profit. However, if you want to make a card for fun, like creating a card of yourself or your cute cat, you can use a simple online creator or learn how to use an image creating software. If you intend on playing with your fake card, there are several different things to keep in mind such as balancing out damage, energy requirements, health, and weakness.

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    Washi tape and paper crafting just seem to go together. Attach strips of colored tape in rows onto the notebook cover, and you will have a journal that is pretty and one-of-a-kind. Wrap matching washi tape around pencils to coordinate with your notebook. Making a strong design statement has never been easier!

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    How To Build A Pokmon Tcg Deck For Beginners

    Strategic depth: Medium

    Publisher:Wizards of the Coast

    Once youve mastered how to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game, youll almost certainly want to find out how to build a Pokémon TCG deck. Like the video games, a lot of the fun of the Pokémon TCG is the chance to assemble your own party of Pokémon, combining different strengths, weaknesses, evolutions, energy types and trainer cards to gain the advantage over your opponent and ultimately claim victory.

    If youre completely new to the Pokémon Trading Card Game, the best way to learn is probably by picking up a pre-made deck pack. These are widely available and can be based on a variety of things, from specific themes to World Championship decks that recreate the pro decks used by master trainers in high-level tournaments. These ready-to-play decks let you focus on learning the rules without worrying that your deck is potentially unbalanced or having to invest in lots of booster packs.

    Once youre comfortable with the basics of playing, though, youll probably want to learn how to build a Pokémon TCG deck. Building a Pokémon TCG deck is similar compared to learning how to build a Magic: The Gathering deck and other popular collectible card games, but there are a few unique things that set the Pokémon Trading Card Game apart from the rest of the crowd – and make it a little bit easier to pick up if youre a total newcomer.

    What Strengths And Weaknesses Does Bulbasaur Have

    MCG Youth & Arts

    If you want to understand this tool better, here is an example of Bulbasaur which is a Grass-type Pokemon. When you add this pokemon to the tool, you can see that the strengths are highlighted in green while the weaknesses are highlighted in peach colour. The strengths of Bulbasaur include Water, Grass, Rock, Ground, and Fairy dust. While on the other hand, the weaknesses include Fire, Ice, Psychic attack, and flying.

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    How To Create A Pokmon

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 23 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 42,892 times.

    You love Pokémon, don’t you? Ever wanted to make your own?! If you do, then read this!

    Who This Course Is For:

    • Students who are familiar with swift and xcode, but they don’t need to be experts.
    • 4.8 Instructor Rating
    • 1,170 Students
    • 1 Course

    I decided to become a software developer about;7 years ago when I created my first startup;called Schoolverse. I;outsourced a great deal of the app, but then realized that if I;knew how to code, I;could be building my own apps whenever I;wanted. That’s when I began to study PHP, MySQL;and JavaScript.;

    A few months later, I;was a full stack LAMP;developer. I;built mostly custom;products for consulting firms and my own startups. Then, something changed. I;was introduced to the world of mobile apps and given the recent explosion in apps, I wanted in. I;became a full stack swift developer and learned cocoatouch. I;began using tools like Parse and Firebase to make my own mobile apps, however, I;always noticed that I wanted;more freedom, like in the old days of LAMP. That’s when I began learning Node.js and mongodb.

    I;was introduced to the world of APIs;as a backend. This forever changed the game as I;was quickly;able;to;build my own backends and deploy them;to;multiple front end clients;such as iOS, Android and Web Apps using a single API as a backend. My applications became more robust and I was able to improve the way I;did business. Now, I want to spread my knowledge with you all, and more important I;want to teach you the importance of understanding the code RATHER;than copying blindly from other developers.

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    Did You Know That You Can Create Your Own Pokemon Go Game In Hopscotch

    One of the most popular Hopscotch tutorial videos is a lesson on how to create a Pokemon Go game in Hopscotch. Kids get so excited when they can bring their favorite anime characters and coding skills together to build a totally new world where magical things are possible!

    We wanted to see what kids could come up with in a more challenging and time constrained environment, so we ran a Pokemon Go contest to inspire kids creativity and boost their interest in coding. Please congratulate the Pokemon Go Challenge finalists and winners!

    What Does Pokemon Team Builder Actually Do

    How To Design Your Own Pokemon

    This tool actually doesnât check the abilities of the pokemon, instead, it analyzes the types. The tool ignores abilities like âLevitationâ and points out the weakness of the pokemon that it can be affected by any ground type opponent. With the help of this tool, you can easily measure which pokemon can be effective and function as a team player and sieve out the ineffective ones.

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    How To Make Your Own Pokmon Game

    This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 336,361 times.Learn more…

    You may have noticed that the Pokémon card and video games you play are sometimes different from the Pokémon shows or movies you watch. To make Pokémon games balanced, developers often have to leave out some features and adjust others. For the most accurate Pokémon game, or one that better matches your idea of the Pokémon universe, you might be best off making your own game.

    Choosing Pokmon For Our Deck

    After choosing thetype of Pokémon to build the deck around, the next step is to choose the Pokémonwe want to include. When evaluating a Pokémon, it’s important to consider its HitPoints , the damage done by its attacks for each Energy attached to it, anysecondary effects of those attacks, and the ease at which the Pokémon can beput into play.

    Pikachu & Zekrom-GX is oneof the most powerful Lightning-type Pokémon around. For a cost of 3 LightningEnergy, it can do 150 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokémon and attach3 more Lightning Energy to 1 of your Pokémon. Consider the strengths and drawbacksof Pikachu & Zekrom-GX compared with those of Ampharos V or an evolved Pokémonlike Morpeko VMAX, and you can quickly see why it’s such a popular choice.

    As a general rule,every deck should include a cast of Pokémon with attacks or Abilities thatcomplement each other. Boltund Vis the perfect partner for Pikachu & Zekrom-GX because the former’s Electrifyattack can be used to power up the latter’s Full Blitz. Plus, Boltund V’s BoltStorm attack does more damage for each Lightning Energy attached to all of yourPokémon. Tapu Koko Prism Star alsoearns a spot in this deckits Dance of the Ancients Ability benefits both Pikachu& Zekrom-GX and Boltund V.

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    How To Build An Ar App Like Pokmon Go In Three Simple Steps

    If you havent been living under a rock, youve heard about the Pokémon Go app. This game has already picked up more users than Twitter and helped push Nintendos over $69 billion in 2020 . Pokémon Go app is also a great example of a location-based game and geo-based augmented reality.

    Much of the success is due to the phenomenal fan base Pokémon already had in place. Another success component is clever use of smartphone technology, including very easy-to-use AR. And heres the great news for developers: all the tools to build your own location-based AR game are already out there. Were quickly going to show you how to use them;in three simple steps.

    OK, its a little more complicated than that, but once we break it down to fundamentals, youll see how simple it really is to build your own kind of Pokémon Go app.

    Ready? Keep on reading!

    Creating A Card Online

    Create Your Own Pokemon Team
  • 1Search for a Pokémon card maker site. Search keywords Pokémon card maker and you should find many online generators. Two popular sites are or
  • 2Find an image for your Pokémon card. If youre going for realism, search for an animated image with the same characteristics as real Pokemon, like sharp edges and bold colors. If you want a funny card or something unique, you can use a photo of yourself or scary animal. Once youve chosen your image, upload it onto the site.
  • Choose an image that goes with the type of Pokémon that youre creating. For example, you might choose a water or fire type, in which case you should make sure the image you choose fits the type. So if you have a photo of an animal shooting water from its mouth, don`t choose fire type.
  • 3Choose an evolution stage. The evolution stage is similar to giving your Pokemons age. If it’s basic then its a kid, if its stage 1 then its a teen, and if its stage 2 then it is an adult.
  • 4Select the name for your Pokemon. If choosing a name is difficult, think about what your Pokémon represents. Is it funny? Is it powerful? Is it scary? You can name it after its move like Firebreather or Lightning StrikeXResearch source
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    An Introduction To Deckbuilding: Learn How To Build A Pokmon Tcg Deck

    With so manyinteresting Pokémon to choose from and exciting strategies to explore, buildingyour own deck is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding elements of the PokémonTrading Card Game. Before you begin, it’s important to note that each deck mustcontain exactly 60 cardswith at least one Basic Pokémonand cannot contain morethan four copies of any card .

    There are alotof ways to approach deckbuilding. Some decks focus on one type of Pokémon suchas Fire type or Psychic type, while others may focus on an individual Pokémon’sAbility or particularly powerful attack. Decks can include an even distributionof Pokémon, Trainer cards, and Energy cards, or they can be heavily skewed toinclude, say, mostly Pokémon and virtually no Energy. With so many optionsavailable, the task can feel daunting even for the most intrepid deck builder.

    The good news is a varietyof methods can result in a winning deck! Let’s take a look at two of the most popularapproaches to assembling a solid deck and the design principles that underpinthem.

    How To Make Your Own Pokemon

    • Pencil

    • Imagination

    Someone, somewhere, has the job of creating hundreds of Pokemon. Successfully creating a new Pokemon requires little more than imagination and a willingness to create.

    Conceive a general idea for your Pokemon. Is it going to be a bird, a bug, a fish, or something else? It’s good to have a general direction.

    Start drawing. It’s OK if you haven’t planned everything in your head; that’s where the paper comes in. Be willing to make tweaks or completely start over if your goal changes. It’s possible that your original idea will be nothing like the outcome.

    Include any unique qualities. What does your Pokemon do all day? Is it a social creature? Write a short biography for your Pokemon. Include any unique traits or qualities. Don’t forget that your Pokemon should fall into an elemental category with weaknesses and strengths. You can even go a step further and create your own element.

    Think of skills that allow your Pokemon to protect itself. Try to tailor these toward your Pokemon’s element. You don’t want your fire creature to spout water at its enemies. Think up some new skills, or borrow some from the game.

    Add various evolutions. When does it evolve? What does it become? The answers to these questions will determine the future of your Pokemon. A Pokemon’s evolution will usually be a more powerful or wise version of what it came from. A lizard might become a fierce dragon.


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    How To Make Your Own Pokemon Region

    Almost all aspects of the “Pokemon” franchise are characterized by separate generations, and more specifically, the various regions that accompany each of these generations. The official regions include Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sevii Islands, Sinnoh and Unova. The online “Pokemon” community is not limited to these six areas, however. You cannot physically implement new regions into the game, but creating custom content is a pastime among trainers worldwide. Each of these maps is complete with new towns, gyms and Pokemon species.

    Really Good But A Few Things


    Pokémon cards create app review This is one of the best and most entertaining apps that I have used in a long time. It has awesome options for placing pictures for the illustrated dishing of the Pokémon card and your able to draw it on the app . Many different cards design including full art, basics, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, EX, Mega EX, GX, V, VMax just to name a few. Some new ones could be Pokémon breaks which would go into The XY series. Also when making Mega EX there should be a golden M before creating the name. It would be really helpful if you were able too type a energy and the gold EX in your description of an attack or ability. Also creating a reverse hollow or a hollow shiny card. The card would flow a lot smoother if you could center the abilities and attacks when on the card. Last thing it would be really awesome if you could print the card or upload it somewhere else. I know I would place a printing order.TipsBe able to create breaks cardsHaving a better drawing platform When making a mega card put a gold M before the namePlacing energy and gold EX, M, V, VMax, Break, and GX on description for abilities and attack.Being able to create reverse hollow and hollow cardsCentering attacks and abilities on the cardBeing able to print tour finished product

    Also Check: How To Get Pokeflute In Pokemon Red

    Each Pokemon Should Be Critical:

    When opting for Pokemon planner to create the perfect team, you need to plan out in a way that ensures proper use for each type. Every pokemon in your team should have a definite role. No pokemon should be left without use. Consider this formula:

    • Special Sweeper
    • Physical Sweeper
    • Special Wall
    • Physical Wall
    • Lead
    • Crippler

    Selecting Cards To Support An Unconventional Strategy

    The next step is toensure that the main Pokémon can be retrieved from the deck or discard pilewhen they’re required for battle. Notice how this Polteageist deck includes avariety of Trainer cards to achieve that goalQuick Ball lets you search for Basic Pokémon likeSinistea, Evolution Incense letsyou search for Evolution Pokémon like Polteageist, and Great Ball lets you search forboth. Like the Lightning-type deck above, Polteageist also includes Supportercards and Pokémon with Abilities that enable players to draw these core cards. Accessto lots of cards, either by searching with Item cards like those mentionedabove or by drawing a bunch of cards , is extremely important in virtuallyevery deck.

    Finally, we get to seewhat all those Pokémon in the deck are for. The strategy of this deck is to doloads of damage with Polteageist’s Mad Party attack. That being said, this deckshould include many other Pokémon with the Mad Party attack, as well as ways toput those Pokémon into the discard pile. Dedenneand Bunnelby aregreat additions because they serve a dual purpose in this deck: they can attackusing Mad Party, and they increase the damage of Polteageist’s attack when theyare in the discard pile.

    Now that you’ve read up on a couple of different approaches to deckbuilding, it’s time to build your own deck!

    Good luck, Trainers!

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