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HomeHow Much Xp For Evolving Pokemon Go

How Much Xp For Evolving Pokemon Go

For Spinning Pokstops And Gyms:

Pokemon Go Evolving – How To Gain XP Fast
  • Spin a PokéStop: 50 XP
  • Spin 10th PokéStop in a row: 100 XP
  • Spin a PokéStop for the first time: 250 XP
  • Spin 10th PokéStop for the first time in a row: 500 XP
  • Spin a rival Gym : 25 XP
  • Spin a rival Gym : 50 XP
  • Spin a rival Gym : 75 XP
  • Spin a rival Gym : 100 XP
  • Spin a friendly Gym : 31 XP
  • Spin a friendly Gym : 63 XP
  • Spin a friendly Gym : 94 XP
  • Spin a friendly Gym : 125 XP
  • Daily Spin Streak : 500 XP
  • Daily Spin Streak : 2000 XP

Earn Lots Of Xp By Following This Guide

Pokémon GO players around the world have spent the last four and a half years trying desperately to level up to the current level cap of 40. Many have reached that point over the years, but many more havent. With the level cap set to rise to 50 later on this year, trainers are definitely wanting to focus on raising their XP to reach that lofty goal of reaching level 40. And youll want to do it fast since theres rewards for hitting it by the end of the year. To help, heres how to level up fast and reach level 40 in Pokémon GO.

How To Level Up From 1 To 40

Leveling from 1-40 is fairly simple: Use Lucky Eggs, catch Pokémon, compete in raids, send gifts to friends and battle.

Basically anything you do in the game will reward you with XP, but there are some things that grant better XP than others, and for less effort.

Lucky Eggs

Popping a Lucky Egg can increase that XP, but save those for when you plan on doing a bunch of raids in a row, or when you plan on evolving a ton of Pokémon for the maximum use of your Lucky Eggs.

Lucky Eggs will grant double XP for 30 minutes and are sometimes given as rewards, but most of the time youll have to acquire them through the shop. It costs 80 PokéCoins for one and 500 PokéCoins for eight Lucky Eggs. In real world money, that equals about $5.00 for eight Lucky Eggs, since 550 PokéCoins costs $4.99 in the shop.

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Using a Lucky Egg during a double XP event will grant you even more rewards. The XP bonus stacks, so instead of a 2X reward, players will get 4X the XP. Double XP events have been decreasing in number, but they are often implemented as part of a Pokémon spotlight or raid hour, so save your eggs for those weekly happenings.

Best Friends

Making friends is one of the best ways to earn XP in the game, although it isnt one of the fastest. The process takes 90 days of interactions with your friend to complete and involves sending each other gifts or participating in raids together.



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How To Level Up Fast In Pokmon Go

Be the very best.

If youre looking to show off how much you know about Pokémon, youll need some extra material to back up your knowledge of the Pokédex. Taking out your phone to log into your max level Pokémon Go account can undoubtedly help you assert your dominance in the field since grinding toward the higher levels isnt an easy task.

As you continue to level up in Pokémon Go, the total experience youll need to collect for the next level will increase. The lower XP sums you saw during your first days as a trainer will be a thing in the past, and it may even take you months to get to that next level.

Trainers who are just starting to play Pokémon Go often find themselves wondering about the ways to level up in the game so they can catch up to the competition, but its knowledge the most experienced players also need to have in their toolbox so they can bust it out when Niantic increases the level cap.

Heres everything you need to know about leveling up fast in Pokémon Go.

Hidden Tips For Pokemon Go Fanatics

How Much Xp From Evolving Pokemon Go

Step back out into the world, and master these tricks to become the ultimate Pokemon Go trainer.

Pokemon Go has captured the world’s heart, and maybe even made America great again. In fact, not even a global pandemic significantly slowed Pokemon Go’s momentum. With some precautions, we can catch them all, and stay healthy at the same time.

Pokemon Go has received several updates since its launch, making it incredibly fun to play. It requires you to get up, leave the couch, and visit real-world locations to replenish important items, participate in Gym and Raid Battles, and of course, catch wild Pokemon. The rules have been relaxed during the COVID-19 era , but going outside is still generally the point.

Unfortunately, the game provides little guidance on the nuances of catching, collecting, and evolving Pokemonthere’s barely a tutorial. If you’re just starting out, see How to Get Started and Catch ‘Em All for a primer on what every icon means, how to capture Pokemon, and other basics.

The following advanced tips and tricks go one step further to help you truly master Pokemon Go, use it to enhance your other Pokemon adventures on consoles, and maybe, just maybe, put you in the mood for the upcoming Pokemon Sleep.

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Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Tuesday February 2 : 4000 Xp Per Evolve And 600k Xp Total

The list for the new featured Pokemon in the well-known Spotlight hours event is in, and we are sure that you will like it as much as we do.

Every Tuesday, from 6:00 p.m. local time to 7:00 p.m. local time, the Pokemon GO fans will have numerous encounters with a chosen Pokemon, accompanied by various bonuses.

Here is the list:

  • On the first Tuesday of February, which is February 2nd, 2021, will be Ekans. Together with the Snake Pokemon, we will earn twice the XP for evolving Pokemon.
  • The next Spotlight Hour event will be on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021, we will see Miltank, paired up with earning twice the Stardust for catching Pokemon.
  • On February 16th, 2021, Luvdisc will grace us with its presence and will give us twice the XP for catching Pokemon.
  • On February 23rd, 2021, the Electic Pokemon, Pikachu, will take the spotlight, and we will earn twice the Candy for catching Pokemon.

As for the first Spotlight Hour event, due to the bonus that we will have, we advise you to spend your time focusing on evolving as many Pokemon as you can, because the base XP for evolving is now 1,000 and you can get 4,000 XP per evolve with a Lucky egg. To make it easier for everyone, here is the math:

  • 1,000 XP for evolve

Pokemon Go Xp Changes List

You’ll now earn more experience points for completing certain actions.

Trainers, the Go Beyond update for Pokemon Go increased the games level cap from 40 to 50, added a new Seasons mechanic to the game, and increased the length of each Go Battle League season, among other features.

As part of this update, trainers now earn more experience points for completing a range of in-game actions, from catching Pokemon to hatching Eggs. In a news post, Niantic shared a complete list of these changes:

  • “Catching a Pokémon with a Nice Throw: 10 XP to 20 XP
  • Catching a Pokémon with a Great Throw: 50 XP to 100 XP
  • Catching a Pokémon with an Excellent Throw:100 XP to 1,000 XP
  • Catching a Pokémon with a Curveball Throw: 10 XP to 20 XP
  • Evolving a Pokémon: 500 XP to 1,000 XP
  • Catching a Pokémon or spinning a PokéStop the first time in a day: 500 XP to 1,500 XP
  • Achieving a Pokémon catch streak or PokéStop spin streak of seven days: 2,000 XP to 6,000 XP
  • Giving a Pokémon a Berry at a Gym: 20 XP to 50 XP
  • Spinning a PokéStop: 50 XP to 100 XP
  • Defeating a Gym: 100 XP to 1,000 XP
  • Defeating a Pokémon at a Gym: 100 XP to 300 XP
  • Hatching a 2 km Egg: 200 XP to 500 XP
  • Hatching a 5 km Egg: 500 XP to 1,000 XP
  • Hatching a 10 km Egg: 1,000 XP to 2,000 XP
  • Hatching a Strange Egg: 2,000 XP to 4,000 XP
  • Catching a Pokémon in AR mode: 100 XP to 300 XP
  • Unlocking a new Pokédex entry: 500 XP to 1,000 XP”

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Do You Get Xp When You Evolve In Pokemon Go

This means your active Pokémon wont get any XP love as you wander about the world catching critters if you want them to get better in the Pokémon Go universe, you have to use Stardust and breed-specific Candy. How does leveling up and evolving work in Pokémon Go? Pokémon in the game have a variety of viewable stats:

How Can You Level Up Fast In Pokmon Go

Episode 1: Pokemon Go — Evolving Eevee — HOW TO GAIN XP FAST!!

Anyone whos ever played an MMORPG may be familiar with bugs or exploits that allow players to gain XP quickly in short periods. There arent any of them in Pokémon Go, and youll need to understand the XP sources in the game. This will allow you to tailor your gameplay around doing tasks that will get you the highest total XP after a Pokémon Go session.

Your primary source of XP in the game is catching Pokémon, so youll need to make sure to do it in the best way possible. Train yourself to land Excellent Throws, since they award the most amount of XP. If you start consistently landing Excellent Throws, even when youre just casually playing Pokémon Go, the XP youll gain will add up. You can use the AR Plus feature to get closer to Pokémon, making it easier to land Excellent Throws. Abusing this feature and getting close enough will grant you the Expert Handler bonus, a catching bonus that has a base reward of 300 XP. If youre just starting to play Pokémon Go or youd like to rest while playing the game, you can use lure around Pokéstops and have yourself a picnic while catching Pokémon with Excellent Throws.

Aside from these three, focusing on raiding can also reward with decent chunks of XP. The only reason why raiding is less popular than the methods above is it requires you to stay more focused on the game.

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Lighten Your Load Throw Away Potions

If you’re anything like us, you shoot from the hip and let Pokeballs fly where they may. And, if you’re anything like us, eventually, you’re going to run out of Pokeballs that way. And if you stroll by a Pokestop, chances are your bag will be full and you will be unable to collect more Pokeballs! Well, don’t let that stop you. Just open your inventory and chuck some potions. Chances are you don’t need 99 of every Potion type, so get rid of some and you’ll get your Pokeballs back in no timeso long as you stroll by more Pokestops, or wait around for them to refresh.

How To Level Up Fast In Pokemon Go

If you want to level up fast as possible in Pokemon Go, there’s numerous tricks and tips you can use to boost the rate at which you get quick XP. We’ll lay out how to grind XP below, as well as the best techniques to boost your overall leveling rate. We haven’t accounted for Double XP weekends as part of this, so performing these actions on these special occasions will get you even more bang for your buck!

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How Much Xp Do You Get For A 7 Day Streak

Keep that streak up for seven days straight and youll get an additional 2,000 XP and 2,400 stardust on top of what you would normally get. That equals out to 2,500 XP and 3,000 stardust for the weekly bonus. Now, when Niantic announced this new bonus system it was unclear about how you earn awards from Pokestops.

How To Level Up From 40 To 50

How Much Xp Do You Get For Evolving

Levels 41-50 are a bit trickier than 1-40 because players must complete tasks in addition to a mountain of XP per level. Below is a breakdown of each level and what trainers will have to do in order to level up.

  • Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
  • Earn 5 gold medals

Tips: The hardest task here is the 200 Pokémon caught in a single day. Not only do you need over 200 Pokéballs to be able to catch said Pokémon, but the number itself is quite large for one day. Make use of one of the monthly Community Days and go to an area where a lot of Pokémon are spawning, and as long as you have the Pokéballs for it, catching 200 in one day shouldnt be that much of an issue. Make sure you have your incense ready to go before Community Day starts to attract even more Pokémon.

Level 42

  • Evolve Eevee into each of its unique evolutions
  • Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
  • Make 3 excellent throws
  • Use 200 berries to help catch Pokémon

Tips: Nothing too crazy here. This one might take you a bit of time since evolving Eevees usually involves walking around with them as your buddy. Heres a handy guide on how to get each Eeveelution.

Level 43

  • Use 200 super effective Charged Attacks
  • Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
  • Earn 5 Platinum medals

Level 44

  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
  • Battle in the Battle League 20 times
  • Defeat a Team Rocket Leader 50 times
  • Earn 10 Platinum Medals

Level 46

Level 47

Level 48

Level 49

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Pokemon Go: Using Pidgey Weedle And Other Low

Once you’ve caught one or two of any given Pokemon the temptation is obviously to not catch any more of them. Don’t listen to that temptation: keep catching stuff! Here’s why:

The two highest experience games in the game are when you catch a Pokemon you’ve never owned before or when you evolve a Pokemon – rewarded every time you do so. As such, you can catch a bunch of Pidgey, Weedles, or Caterpies and evolve them – even if you send them to the professor afterwards, you’re rewarded candy for that action and you keep the experience.

Each Pokemon caught will reward you 3 candies, and additional candy can be obtained by sending duplicates to the professor. It’ll be impossible to evolve every single one you catch due to the economy of the candies required for the evolution, but if you’re anything like me you’ll find yourself in possession of 20 or 30 of these Pokemon in the early stages of the game.

Abuse that – catch as many as you can and evolve them to enjoy the experience bonus. Make the most of them by stockpiling them and evolving them all at once part of the lucky egg trick – but more on that in a moment.

Forget Level 40 Heres How To Get To Level 50 In Pokmon Go

Leveling in Pokémon Go is one of the most important mechanics in the game. But with higher levels comes tougher objectives. In November 2020, the level cap was increased from 40 to 50, and the way leveling up those last 10 levels changed too.

For reference, Ive been playing Pokémon Go casually since the day it launched in 2016 and I feel like Ive been sitting at Level 37 since about that time. So how are so many players already at the new cap of 50? Whether youre new to the game or have been playing since Day 1 and are gearing up for Pokémon Go Fest this weekend, heres a guide to leveling up.

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How To Choose Your Buddy

You can select a Pokemon to travel alongside you. Does it actually walk with you on the main screen? No, but it does stand next to you in the profile screen and a little icon displaying your chosen Pokemon shows up next to your avatar icon on the field.To actually select a buddy Pokemon, you need to tap on the picture of your Trainer in the lower left corner of the main screen. Then tap on the Menu button on the lower left. Tap on the Buddy icon between the Journal and Customize options. Then, tap on the Pokemon you want as your Buddy.Note: On the Pokemon screen, you’ll see a speech bubble icon next to the Pokemon you chose as your Buddy, so you can keep track of what you’re Pokemon are up to.

Why Do I Want To Level Up Or Evolve My Pokmon In The First Place


There are two big reasons: fighting at gyms for your team, and XP bonuses to raise your own trainer level.

If you want to fight at gyms, you either need to find and catch high-level creatures, or level up your Pokémon. Until you get to level 20, we generally recommend saving your Stardust and Candy, because you’ll likely end up catching far more powerful creatures as you progress.

Once you hit 20, however, you should be able to catch Pokémon in the wild who already have a high enough level that they’re worth investing in.

Just because you’re hoarding Stardust and Candy, however, that doesn’t mean you want to ignore evolving entirely.

For one, evolving your Pokémon gives you access to more entries in your Pokédex, as not every evolutionary step can be caught in the wild.

In addition, you also can use the evolution of common Pokémon like Pidgey and Caterpie to dramatically increase your XP and Trainer level.

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