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What Does A Lucky Pokemon Do

What Are Lucky Pokemon In Pokemon Go


So what are lucky Pokemon? They’re similar but different to shiny Pokemon; while shiny Pokemon look different, lucky Pokemon are identified by gold circles around the Pokemon on the list view. When you click on them, the background is gold and sparkly, compared to the usual type-specific background.

When you have a lucky Pokemon, you get a couple of benefits. The first is that the stardust cost to power it up is reduced by 50%, so if you have a strong PvP Pokemon that becomes lucky, you’re in luck. Pun intended.

The other possible benefit is that a lucky Pokemon’s IV will always be a minimum of 12/12/12. This means that you could trade a 0 IV Pokemon and potentially gain a 100 IV Pokemon in return. On the contrary, you’re risking a lot if you trade a 98 IV Pokemon, because there’s a high chance it will come out with lower stats than it went in with.

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Once you reach Lucky friend status with another player, youll be able to trade Pokemon for less Stardust and your first trade as Lucky friends will upgrade the Pokemon youre receiving to a Lucky Pokemon. If youre not familiar, Lucky Pokemon will require 50% less Stardust to power up, which will save you a lot in the long run.;

In case you havent heard, Pokemon GO has added a new feature which will allow players to invite a friend to a raid, which will help level your friendship. After all, you know what they say, a raid a day keeps the doctor away – or something like that. So if youre planning to compete in a raid in the near future, you might want to consider inviting a friend!

While youre waiting to become Lucky friends in Pokemon GO, there are plenty of things to do that will keep you busy. In fact, we have tons of guides that will help you out, a few of which are linked in the list below.

Is A Lucky Pokmon Like A Shiny Or Is There Any Real Advantage

The Pokémon itself doesn’t have a different color, like Shiny Pokémon do, but they do have a special advantage:

It seems that Lucky Pokémon require less Stardust to power up, which means they can reach a higher CP much faster than other Pokémon. Plus, a Lucky Pokémon can be detected by the Pokédex, so you can keep track of them!

More precisely, it seems like Lucky Pokémon only require half the Stardust and Candy to power up as a regular Pokémon, making them much more efficient to power up.

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Lucky Pokemon In Pokemon Go

Lucky Pokemon can be distinguished by the faint sparkle in their 3D model, but also from the shimmering portrait they possess in the Pokemon roster screen. They will also be updated in the player’s Pokedex alongside “seen” and “caught” Pokemon, making the number of Luckies trackable. Although obtaining them takes a few steps, they are very much worth the investment, especially at higher trainer levels, where Stardust management becomes more vital.

Lucky Pokemon in Pokemon GO are available via the game’s trade feature. Every time two Pokemon are traded, there is a chance that either of them will become Lucky. In addition, the older the Pokemon is, the more likely it is to be converted to the coveted Lucky status. So if players have leftover Pokemon from years like 2016 or 2017, there’s a very good chance for it to become Lucky in a trade. If the player in particular has found less than 10 Luckies throughout their tenure, a Pokemon from Pokemon GO’s July/August 2016 beginnings is capable of having a 100% conversion rate after the trade. This is thanks to Niantic’s Summer 2018 update to offer more opportunities for trainers to bag a Lucky for themselves.

How To Get Lucky Friends In Pokmon Go

When you evolve a Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon GO, does it ...

Lucky Friends is a special friendship status that guarantees you a Lucky Pokémon.

Becoming Lucky Friends in Pokémon Go works as follows:

  • There is a chance of being Lucky Friends when you are Best Friends with someone.
  • When you are Lucky Friends with someone, the next trade you make will result in both becoming Lucky Pokémon.
  • You have attempt per day at becoming Lucky Friends by performing one of the following actions – opening a gift, teaming up in Raids or Gym battles, or engaging in a Trainer Battle .
  • If successful, the game will notify that you are Lucky Friends, and it will say as such in your Friends listing.
  • Once the trade is completed, you will return to being ‘regular’ Best Friends again.

Other things to know about Lucky Friends includes:

  • You can become Lucky Friends with a Best Friend more than once, though not more than once per day.
  • The chances of becoming Lucky Friends, at least in the early stages, appear to be around 5% according to reddit.
  • The Lucky Friends status seems to last for as long as you next trade – so feel free to continue sending and receiving Gifts or engaging in Trainer Battles until you next meet up and can trade. It does not expire that day.
  • It is possible to have more than one Lucky Friend active at once. .

Niantic Support

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Pokmon Go: How To Get Lucky Pokmon

Pokémon Go is adding a new type of Pokémon to the game Lucky Pokémon. You can think of them as Shiny Pokémon… but they only show up when you trade, not when you catch and hatch. And, instead of a different color, they have a special attribute: The ability to power up for only half the usual candy and stardust.

Yeah! Here are the details!

Only Evolve Your Weak Pokemon With Lucky Eggs

Apparently, it matters what kind of Pokemon you evolve en masse. An article from Lifehacker advises catching the Pokemon with less weight and building up a stash of candies, noting that when you activate the lucky egg, you’ll usually get 1,000 XP for every evolution instead of the standard 500 XP â except for the Pidgeotto. Writes Lifehacker, “Pro tip: donât evolve Pidgeottos into Pidgeots while you do this! Evolving four Pidgeys into Pidgeottos will cost you 48 candies and net you 4000 XP with a lucky egg activated, but just one Pidgeot will cost you 50 candies and only get you 1000 XP with a lucky egg.”

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How To Get Lucky Pokmon In Pokmon Go

Lucky Pokémon come from the game’s trading feature. When you trade, there’s a chance both creatures will have the Lucky status afterwards.

The success rate isn’t yet known, but the longer the Pokémon has been in storage – in other words, the longer you’ve owned the Pokémon – the higher the chances of it becoming Lucky by the end of it.

So if the Pokémon are from when the game launched in 2016, your chances of them being Lucky will be much higher than if they were caught this year.

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If they are caught at different periods, it’s suspected the game will take the average age of both creatures in the trade as the calculation, as either both will or won’t be Lucky together.

That’s not to say a freshly caught Pokémon can’t be Lucky – members of the community have been successful with trading recent catches. But the older it is the better, and since you can only trade one of a specific Pokémon, you want those chances to be as high as possible.

How Many Lucky Trades Can You Do In A Day


There is a limit of 100 trades per account, per day, though.

Simply so, Are lucky Pokémon more powerful?

One of the many benefits to trading Pokémon with friends is that you have a chance at receiving a Lucky Pokémon. Lucky Pokémon are more likely to be strong opponents in battle, require less Stardust to power up, and appear with a shimmery effect in the Pokédex and on the Pokémons Summary page.

Similarly, Can you get 2 lucky trades a day?

Theres no limits on how many Lucky Pokemon can pop for you on one day either, despite fan speculation that was the case ultimately, this is all about luck and nothing else.

Can you get multiple lucky trades in a day?

There doesnt appear to be a cap on how many Lucky Pokémon you can get in one day. Originally there was thought to be, but reports from the Silph Road suggest either a cap was lifted or it was incorrect information.

Furthermore, Are Lucky Friends permanent?When you are Lucky Friends with someone, the next time you trade with each other, both Pokémon will become Lucky Pokémon. After the trade, your Lucky Friend status will be cleared. You can try to become Lucky Friends again by increasing your Friendship.

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Pokemon Go Lucky Pokemon: How To Get Lucky Pokemon Including Guaranteed Lucky Pokemon

Pokemon Go keeps on adding new wrinkles to its game systems, and one such new addition is that of Lucky Pokemon – special, rare creatures that are desirable thanks to their beneficial status stats-wise – but first you have to know how to get Pokemon Go’s Lucky Pokemon on your team.

In Pokemon Go Lucky Pokemon are essentially Pokemon with a unique status. Think of them as being a bit like shiny Pokemon, except their appearance is the same and there’s even the ultra, double-rare chance to actually find a Lucky Shiny Pokemon. Where Shiny Pokemon are differentiated by their unique appearance, Lucky Pokemon have a cooler, more useful benefit: they cost less Stardust to power-up.

Specifically, Pokemon Go Lucky Pokemon cost 50% less stardust to power up, making them easy to boost the CP of and ready for battle. Stardust is one of the rarer, more difficult to grind resources in the game. On top of that, Lucky Pokemon will have good stats behind-the-scenes – typically an ‘IV’ stat of around 80%, where 100% is a ‘perfect’ Pokemon. Stats change when a Pokemon becomes Lucky, so this is actually a great way to turn a previously rubbish Pokemon into a really powerful one.

Basically, getting a good, high-end Pokemon who ranks highly on our tier list of the best Pokemon in Pokemon Go in a lucky form is a real stroke of… well, luck. Obviously. The name makes sense.

Registered In The Pokemon’s Pokedex Entry

You can check the number of Lucky Pokemon you have in the Pokemon’s specific Pokedex entry. The number can be found under its Pokedex number and name.

Different Forms Still Get Lucky Pokedex Screens

For example, getting a Pokemon Unown, which has many forms, getting one Lucky Unown will automatically make all Unown forms have the Lucky background in its Pokedex entry.

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Lucky Pokemon Stats Are Stronger

Niantic has also updated the stats & IV that Lucky Pokemon will come with when received. They will now have a minimum of 80% IV, making them more powerful than before.

Dialogue To Determine Good IV Range

Overall, your simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!
Blanche Overall, your is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!
Spark (Instinct Overall, your looks like it can really battle with the best of them!

Lucky Pokemon In Pokemon Go: What They Are And How To Get Them

New Pokemon GO Update Guarantees Lucky Pokemon

Just when you thought that you had a handle on every different kind of Pokemon in Pokemon GO, Niantic goes and adds something new to the mix. Thats not a bad thing, mind you, considering how long trainers had to wait for certain highly anticipated features to make it into the game , but it does keep you on your toes with each new update. The latest twist is Lucky Pokemon, helpfully discovered by Professor Willow.

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Lucky Trade Strategy Considerations

The mistake that I think everyone is making is that they are sitting on their Lucky Trades too long and trying to come up with the perfect Lucky Trade. We dont know the Lucky Friend rate, but we do know that they arent impossibly rare and we do know that you can become Lucky Friends with the same person more than once. I would think it generally wiser to just do a Lucky Trade that you can both be happy with and work towards going Lucky again rather than spend forever agonizing over what Lucky Trade to do.

As the friendship feature continues to age, and as people have more and more best friends there is no reason to worry about every Lucky Trade being the perfect trade. There is no bad Lucky unless you trade for a Bidoof. We have been trading and trading Legendaries/shinies, forever without this feature and if they took it away tomorrow we would continue to do so.

Unless you and a friend have a specific trade in mind and are waiting for it to be a Lucky Trade, it will probably be a lot less stressful and a lot more fun to just go through a list like this, find a trade you can be happy with, and move on with your life. Treat it as a bonus for playing rather than a precious resource that you dont want to waste. At the end of the day, this is a friendship feature in a mobile game, not a life-altering decision.

How To Get Lucky Pokmon

You can get Lucky Pokémon randomly when trading Pokémon with friends. When you trade, theres a small chance that your Pokémon will become Lucky. Both Pokémon will always become Lucky if one does.

According to research from The Silph Road, Pokémon are more likely to become Lucky if they were caught long ago. The research shows that Pokémon less than a year old have about a 5% chance to be lucky, Pokémon that are a year old have a 10% chance, and Pokémon that are two years old have a 25% chance. This means that holding onto rare Pokémon for a long time is probably worth doing, even if just to get a Lucky Pokémon.

If you have Lucky Friends, which happens randomly with Best Friends, then your next trade will be Lucky, guaranteed. While Niantic hasnt announced the Lucky Friends chance, some researchers on The Silph Road subreddit note that the Lucky Friends odds are a little bit below 2% per exchange.

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How Does A Pokemon Become A Lucky Pokemon

This is kind of the tricky part, as theres no way to tell for sure. What Niantic said in its blog post that announced the new feature;is that any Pokemon has a chance to become Lucky when traded. This will encourage players to do more trading, which has been an obvious focus ever since trading was added to the game earlier this year.

However, it also suggests that holding onto Pokemon for a longer period of time makes them more likely to turn into Lucky Pokemon:

The longer the Pokémon spends inside a Trainers Pokémon storage, the higher the chance of them becoming Lucky Pokémon when they are traded. Whether or not being in storage causes Pokémon to become Lucky Pokémon remains a mystery, but be sure to stay posted for more results from the professors research.

How does that effect the way you play? For starters, you might not be as quick to transfer certain Pokemon back to the Professor due to the chance that holding onto them might turn into something more valuable. Its now at least worth considering if certain characters that you think other players would like to trade for could be worth a spot in your collection where they can sit for a while. On top of that, if you have certain creatures that have been with you for months, those are now definitely more worthy trade bait than before.

Get Lucky Pokemon Only By Trading


The only method of getting a Lucky Pokemon is to trade with a friend. Even then, it’s a rare chance and you have to be extremely lucky for the trade to occur. Lucky Pokemon cannot be found or caught in the wild.

Getting Lucky Mythical Pokemon Is Not Possible

Trading the mythical Pokemon such as Mew, Celebi, or Meltan will not result in a Lucky Pokemon, no matter how many times you attempt it.

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Should I Wait Until Best Friends Before Trading For Ivs

  • Would I benefit immediately from having this Pokemon?

  • Is Pokemon storage space a problem for either party?

  • Will a future trade be impossible ?

If the answer is yes to any of the questions, then trade now. Otherwise, hold off until reaching best friends to maximize the chance of obtaining a high IV Pokemon. Waiting will also age the Pokemon, increasing the likelihood that it will become lucky.


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